Brass Scribe's
Writing Commissions

Commission Status:


To commission me, please send me a message:


Brass Scribe#2707

Carrier Pigeon

(please don't do this one)

By commissioning me, you confirm that you have read and agree to my Terms of Service below and understand what type of writing you are commissioning.

Any questions?
Feel free to ask on Twitter or Discord

Types of Writing I can do

- Short Stories
- FanFiction
- Poetry
- Article Writing
- Playwriting Scripts
- YouTube Scripts
- Review Scripts
- Song Lyrics
- Song Parody Lyrics
- Technical Writing
- Bios & Website Writing
- Panel Presentations

Types of Writing I won't do

- Fetish pieces
- Super NSFW (minor NSFW is fine if it is not the main focus)
- Full-on porn narratives
- Rape, incest, detailed killing, or anything extremely disturbing / uncomfortable
- Super detailed gore
- Illegal Writing / illegal topics


Short Stories

$15 per 1,000 words


Minimum $15Price negotiable based off what's requested


$30 per article
(no word limit)

FanFiction [Solo Chapter]

$20 for less than 1,000 words$15 per 1,000 words (min. $30)

FanFiction [Multi-Chapters]

$20 per chapter of less than 1,000 words$15 per 1,000 words in a chapter (min. $30)Minimum two chaptersProtologue and Epilogue negotiable priceBigger discount for more chapters

Playwriting Scripts

$10 per page
(equated to $10 per ~1 min)

(Title, Character, Scene Introduction, and Act Introduction pages do not count)

Technical Writing

Minimum $20

Price ranges per type of Technical Writing

Panel Scripts / Presentation

Price Negotiable

YouTube Single Narrator Discussion

$15 per 1000 words

(Will possibly need notes of your opinions if applicable)

YouTube Story Episode & Screenwriting

$10 per page
(equated to $10 per ~1 min)

(Title, Character, Scene Introduction, and Act Introduction pages do not count)

Review Script

$15 per 1000 words

(Will need notes of your opinions/review)

Song Lyrics

$10 per ~1 min of song

(Must have some instrumental ready)

Parody Song Lyrics

$10 per ~1 min of the original song

All prices are subject to change
Willing to possibly negotiate prices depending on your needs

Terms of Service

- Payment is due upfront. This is because I operate in a way where you see me write in real time, and with writing, there really is no "sketch" I can show you first (as drafts can & have been stolen, not to mention had someone ghost me when payment was due in the past). I am open to partial payment upfront if you ask, but have the right to deny it.- I have the right to refuse any commission for whatever reason.- I will take priority on commissions in order.- I will ensure it is the best grammar possible.- I have the right to use any writing for my own self-promotion.- I will talk with you as I write to ensure it is the direction you want.- You may request edits of the writing at any time, especially if the writing is not in the direction you want. Just try to let me know sooner than later for both of our sakes.- You may not claim or sell my writing as your own (unless we discuss and agree to "ghost writing").- You may post the writing wherever needed and/or use it in any agreed-upon verbal recordings. Just credit "Brass Scribe" as the writer and link my Twitter at the very least.- You may cancel our agreement any time, but depending on how far I am in the writing, you will only get a partial refund, if not no refund at all.- If you want me to write anything with any characters, scenes, or content created by others, make sure you have consent from the original owner(s) (I might follow up with them verify if there is no verifiable written consent from them). Any content without consent might not be added, and any content that the original owner denied consent will 100% be denied.- If we agree on a set amount of pages, words, or record time (for scripts or song lyrics), I will write as close as possible to that limit. It might go over a little, but we will AT THE VERY WORST chat about additional payments (but will most likely write the extra for free. It fully depends on how much additional content is added for me to even ask for additional payments). Again, communication will be key.- If YOU request more pages, words, or record time after we agree on a set amount, then most likely you would need to pay extra. This is fully regarding additional content and any edits requested that go slightly over our agreed upon limit, in most cases, will not count.- Once you accept the final product, then I am not responsible for edits or changes. Depending on scope, once you accept the final product, any edits or changes would be negotiated for possible additional fees.- If you decide to make edits (of any kind) or have someone make edits after the commission is finished, I would need to be notified in order to approve the changes. My writing is a reflection of myself and my brand, and unauthorized changes could portray all of that in the wrong light.

Looking forward to your message!